Equipo SiG

A company that grows rooted in family

We like to think about ourselves as a different company. 

Deeply rooted in the three pillars of social economy, progress, persons and values, the key axis of a cooperative. We consider ourselves as a company with soul.

That’s why we are proud of our proffesional ethics, the service quality we provide to our clients, and the human team that conforms SiG.

Usually companies put here very beautiful sentences, who traditionally speak about mission, vision and values. Unfortunately, this content very often is far from the daily basis of a lot of companies. Instead of that, we are going to tell you a short story about us, and in case you miss the corporate part, we will wite it down as well.

A family business without blood ties

Once upon a time, there was a family man who had his children a bit late, and whose job in an important renewable business corporation did not let him reconcile a fast growing family with his office work. It was like seeing the landscape from the car’s windows, but this time from corporate office glass.

He was the promoter of a business and entrepreneurial idea, which brought together veteran specialist engineers, coming from the manufacturers of wind turbines and photovoltaic inverters. After that, a training expert arrived to channel that knowledge into products, consulting and training. Over time the team has been growing, thanks to one of the best emotional salaries in the industry, (the other one is not bad either, I knew you were thinking about it), telecommuting on demand and in a company that is as humane as possible.

Equipo SiG

You now know where we come from… but, Where are we going?


SiG Coop’s mission is to create a human, efiicient and competitive working environment, where our team can work to speed the energy transition with our simulation, modelization and consulting services applied to electric generation systems and power electronics.

To achieve this, we created a senior specialist PhD team in this areas, and a strong collaboration network with the main academic institutions with this expertise.

Thanks to the investigation and development we offer innovative  solutions in renewable energy studies to big and small companies.


Our vision is to provide services and solutions which contributes to a substantial improvement of our clients activity. 

  • Being a reference in simulating the electric behaviour of renewable plants.
  • Offering a high level technical and scientific consulting service, that will increase our client’s competitiveness.
  • Opening new business opportunities to small and medium companies via simulation projects and I+D+i support, thanks to our high technical level and our link with investigation institutions.


SiG works hard to help it’s customers not only in the most effective way but also in a sustainable and ethical way to provide their solutions.

We promote conciliation, teamwork, and a participatory leadership.

We act with loyalty, professionalism and respect with the companies and institutions we work with.

We do belive in social and cooperative economy, as a model that can not only provide strong companies but also more human, more natural and eventually, more sustainable organizations.